
The seven rays of the qbl pdf
The seven rays of the qbl pdf

the seven rays of the qbl pdf

With this attainment in chemical processes all poison has been eliminated from the matter operated upon, and the spiritual or curative faculty is exalted to the highest degree, as is shown in some of the formulas which make up this collection. This on the spiritual plane, as embodied in the esoteric teachings of the ancient reliqious mystics, is identical with Regeneration, a process the meaning of which modern churchianity knows as little of as the material scientist does of the above trinity in nature. Proceeding thus, under the logical assumption that the One Law must express itself similarly upon all planes of activity, they demonstrated the reality of a physical trinity-spagyrically classified as Salt, Sulphur and Vercury-that corresponded with the Body, Soul and Spirit of the noumenal world, or the Father, Son and Holy Ghost of the devotional school also the fact that these three primal principles embrace and comprehend the four elements, Earth, Fire, Air and Water, the separation, purification and inseparable conjunction of which consituted a fifth of the purest potency, which they termed a Quintessence. Likewise, in dealing with spiritual principles of things physical, the Spagyric artist was enabled to percieve the admirable analogies that helped verify the oneness of method throughout the spheres of manifestation, and its identity with those of the Higher or Causative realm, and thereby the necessary inter-action and dependence of the one upon the other. Thereof is once understood, through careful study and investigation of the stellar hypothesis, will one marvel that it should be so. The significance of planetary influence, and its relation to the astral po- tencies involved in all natural operations, is too complex a subject to enter into here, except to say that the truth of the above brief intimations has been amply verified in the writer’s experience. according as the nature of the matter to be prepared requires. The place of preparation must be the laboratory, which must be hot, cold, noist, dry, airy, close, etc. As to the Occult Qualities, the preparation is to be begun when the planet governing the thing is strong and vigorous in his house or exaltation, and in good aspect of Sol, Luna, Jupiter, Venus or all of them. As to the Manifest Qualities, that time is to be chosen in which they naturally flourish wherein you are to choose a hot and Itoist season for dissolution, digestion and fermentation and a cold time for coagulation a noist tine for distillation and melting and a dry time for exsiccation and calcining. The time of the preparation ought to synpathize with the native production of the thing to be prepared which is in respect of qualities manifest or occult.

the seven rays of the qbl pdf the seven rays of the qbl pdf

The importance to the occult chemist of working in harmony with astral law, that thereby the natural and artificial qualities of all things from the Universal to the Particular might be properly attained, may be the better appreciated in this extract from Salmon, an astro-philosopher and physician of the Middle Ages: That these preparations-and many similar ones which I hope to treat of in a subsequent work- have remained absent from the officinal category is not a matter for wonder, chiefly because of a recognition by their authors of specific powers and potencies in natural processes of too arcane a nature to be apre- hended by the dense self-sufficiency of the materialistic and incredulous mind and partly by reason of the fact that while dealing with obvious principles, though only occultly understood, they were couched in terms and meanings which were wisely veiled from those of disrespectful and antagonistic attitude. MCMIV by theīOOK OF FORMULAS PREFACE I take pleasure in here presenting to the earnest few of beneficent and uplifting purpose, this collection of valuable forms and medicaments, culled and transcribed into more lucid phrase from the chemical and Hermetic writings of such learned worthies as Paracelsus, Faber, Quorcetan, Hartman, Rul- andis, Mynsicht and numerous other philosophers in the Spagyric Art. Now for the First Time Given to the World in a Lucid Form Published A. AUTHOR OF "METAPHYSICAL ASTROLOGY”, “THE SUN BOOK” etc. THE BOOK OF FORMULAS A COLLECTION OF CHOICE SPAGYRIC PREPARATIONS PREDESTINATED TO THE CURE OF DISEASE AND THE CONSERVATION OF HEALTH: INCLUDING SOME OF THE RAREST AND MOST VAL UABLE SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT MEDICAL AND HERMETIC PHILOSOPHYĬOLLATED AND RENDERED INTELLIGIBLE WITH EXPLICATORY ANNOTATIONSīy: JOHN HAZELRIGG, F.H.S.

The seven rays of the qbl pdf