
Wbs chart pro 4.8 full
Wbs chart pro 4.8 full

wbs chart pro 4.8 full

If you use the check box to verify the uniqueness for new codes, Microsoft Project only checks the code when it is created or edited. (See the section, "Renumbering the Custom WBS Codes," later in this chapter.)

wbs chart pro 4.8 full

You can force Project to renumber all of the codes in your WBS, but you will lose any special coding that you have done manually. If you have not defined enough levels in the mask for all of your WBS, Project will use the default numbering system for the lower levels. See the following section, "Editing Custom Codes," to further customize your WBS. Select the column header and double-click the right-hand column border. If your project is complex and has many levels, you may need to widen the column to see the entire code. Project automatically replaces the default WBS code with the new codes you have designed. It is generally a good idea to have this box selected to avoid confusion with the WBS codes. The check only occurs when you edit the codes, and you need to modify the codes manually to make them unique.

  • If you want Project to check for duplicate codes, select the box Verify Uniqueness of New WBS Codes.
  • If this box is cleared, you will need to enter the codes manually but will be required to follow the format defined in this process.
  • If you want Project to automatically generate the WBS codes for you, select the box Generate WBS Code for New Task.
  • The Code Preview field at the top of the dialog box will show you what the custom WBS code will look like as you are creating the mask.
  • Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 for each additional level of the WBS.
  • Identify a separator from the choices in the drop-down menu or type another symbol directly on the keyboard.
  • Select 1 through 10 when you want to set a fixed number of characters for this section of formatting.
  • Select Any when you want to later edit this part of the code, using a variety of number of characters.
  • Use the pull-down arrow in the Length column to show the options for the number of characters you can use for this part of the formatting:

    wbs chart pro 4.8 full

    Specify the length of the field or choose Any to allow flexibility in the number of characters.You can go back and change it to any character later. Characters (unordered)- Project will insert an asterisk (*).Lowercase Letters (ordered)- Project will insert sequential lowercase letters.Uppercase Letters (ordered)- Project will insert sequential uppercase letters.Numbers (ordered)- Project will insert sequential numbers for this part of the code.You can display your options with the pull-down arrow, which are as follows: Click the first blank row under the Sequence column in the Code Mask table and select the option from the drop-down menu for numbers or letters, as appropriate for your organization.Identify a separator, such as a colon or period, to make it easier for the reader to identify the levels.

    wbs chart pro 4.8 full

    Enter a code prefix for the project, if needed, in the Project Code Prefix box.If the WBS numbering schema must remain the same throughout the life of the project, use a custom field that you must then maintain instead of the automatic WBS field provided by Project.įigure 4.9 Project will create custom WBS codes through your formatted mask. If your team chooses to use these fields, you must be aware that the Outline Number field and WBS field are identical in Microsoft Project's default mode and the number associated with a work package will change if the package is moved within the project schedule. Repeat these steps to insert the other column (the one you did not just insert), either Outline Number or WBS. Click OK to close the Column Definition dialog box and insert the column.In the Column Definition dialog box, choose either Outline Number or WBS from the drop-down list in the Field Name field.All columns to the right, including the column in which you right-clicked, shift to the right to make room for the new column insertion. This opens the Column Definition dialog box. Right-click on the column header where you want to insert the column (field), and choose Insert Column.To insert these fields onto your screen, follow these steps: Figure 4.8 The Outline Number field and the default WBS code are identical.

    Wbs chart pro 4.8 full